About Me & Where to Find Me

Hullo there!
Pleasure to meet you. :) I'm Mia, also known as MiaBella, or the lady behind Glass Eternal.
If you've clicked this page I'm assuming you want to know a few things about me?
To me the smell of books is positively lovely.
My eyes are green, although they tend to change color.
I love cold weather.
I'm very bad at dancing, but that doesn't stop me from trying when my favorite tunes come on.
My Spotify has everything on it. No, really. Soundtracks, 80's rock, contemporary country, swing (current and Sinatra), instrumental stuff from around the world, hip-hop...

I'm all over the place! I have too many interests, and this is reflected in the posts that I have here. We've got the jewelry posts,and then we've got games, movies, books, theories, cooking and God knows what else. It's crazy!
So here's the places you can find me, if you're interested in the different things I'm up to.
Etsy This is my shop! If you're interested in jewelry, everything from Chic to Geek, come check me out, and take a look around.
TwitterCome here if you want random thoughts, and questions that pop up while I'm working At the Bench.
Tumblr While I don't get to update this account as often as I'd like, this is strictly for stashing interesting color palettes and pictures for jewelry.
Pinterest If you've ever taken a look at the right hand side of the blog, you've seen the pinterest app that I installed...on the days that it's functioning anyhow. That only shows a few pins at a time though. This is everything. Inspiration for jewelry, books, recipes, humor and geekiness. As well as a variety of other interesting things.
Deviantart While I do post just as much of the jewelry on Deviant as I do here, I also post other things, like doodles that I draw while reading, or practice paintings while attempting to improve my skills. There's also geeky stuff that I make, and pictures of my test samples from learning new skills.