Friday, February 28, 2014

11 Easy Steps for Conditioning Clay

Hey look! It's a new experiment!
Since Glass Eternal is as much about cataloging my mistakes and learning from them as it is writing about inspiration and geeky things, I'm putting up what I learned this week about conditioning clay. I've even got pictures!
Things you'll need.
  • Polymer clay that's all crumbly 
  • Some type of cutting tool (I'm using one of my old X-acto blades) 
  • freezer paper
  • baby/mineral oil 
  • tape 
  • patience
I'm warning you now, it's MESSY. I suggest taking off all jewelry on your hands and wrists prior to working with the clay. Also, just to clear it up, I was using two packages of white clay. That's why the mountain is so huge.
1. Alrighty. First up, prep your work station by taping down a piece of freezer paper, slick side up.
2. Next, take your clay and chop it up. Chop Chop Chop!
Ohh, doesn't it look lovely? Not.               
3. Now, add a FEW drops all over. Seriously, I'm talking ten drops. Max.
4. Take a little bit and start squishing it together. Fair warning. IT"S MESSY!
Really, really, really messy ladies and gents.
5. If your clay is not sticking together add one drop at a time to it, until it does.
it;s going to be all bumpy and ugly at this point. It's ok.
Now, roll it together between your hands. Round and round and round.
Does it look all smooth and pretty? Yes? Don't be fooled.
6. Smoosh it between your hands, or your fingers, or roll one fist against your palm. Whatever it takes to make it flat, I just don't suggest a pasta machine or a rolling pin at this point.
7. Fold it in half,
8. and in half again.
9. Roll it up into a ball till the outside and smooth again.
10. Now after doing this once or twice, your ball should start to feel VERY sticky. It's alright. Don't freak, (I did at first XD) it's the plasticizer in the clay activating.
11. You'll keep squishing and rolling the clay until it looks like this
At this point you should be able to easily pull, twist and roll out the clay. If so, you're done!
Congrats! If not, keep folding and rolling a little bit longer.
Go back to step 4 and repeat for the rest of the clay.
It takes about a half hour to an hour, depending on how much clay you're working with, but it's messy and fun.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Count it All to Joy

At my church, there's a saying that we use a lot. "Count it all to joy."

This past week I bought three packages of polymer clay.  They were dry and crumbly, falling to bits in my hands after opening the packages. I wanted to get angry. I really, really wanted to.* When I was staring at my first ever batch of polymer, and seeing how dried out and crumbly it was, that phrase popped into my head.

I think this phrase could apply in daily life, regardless of personal philosoph. The good things and the bad things, if you try and find a way to look at them for their positive aspects.  So after stepping away from the desk and doing a bit of research on how to fix the problem (which I'll cover in our next post) I looked for the good things about it.

Sure, I couldn't immediately start making my pendants....But, I did get to get messy and really give my hands a work out. I got to learn something now, rather than down the road when I'm working on a deadline. I found that I kinda like reconditioning clay, and I might even like doing it with all of the clay I buy.

I couldn't have done that though if I hadn't chosen to look at it that way. I would've been angry and upset and grrrroar and I wouldn't have been laughing like a kid making a mess. So..I guess that's another step in learning and being a better crafter?

* (I won't say what brand, 'cause I don't really think it was the brand's fault.)

What about you? What could you to 'count to joy' and change your perspective?

Monday, February 24, 2014

Perils of Polymer Clay! =dramatic music=

At the  beginning of the month I came up with a really cool idea for a series of pendants that I'd like to do. The problem was, I couldn't make them in paper or wire. Oh no! What's a girl to do? I went hunting all over the net and found something new. Something that would give me the look I wanted, and (BONUS!) could let me use the alcohol inks I'd made up. What is it you ask? Ok, you're probably not asking if you read the title to the post. It's polymer clay! :D

But as I lay in my bed last week, doing research (pretty much the only thing I could do) I found all sorts of scary things. Crumbly clay. Conditioning. Half cured clay. Accidentally over-softening clay. Canes! Trouble with baking. The list goes on and on! Was I even going to be able to use this lovely medium, or would it scare me off before I could?

But then I bought some...and while I did have to recondition the clay..guys I think I'm in love. I'll talk more about it over the next week. ;) Feel free to share some of your horror stories in the comments below.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Confessions: Take Two!

Continuing on from the post on Wednesday, I'm bringing you geeky confessions from yours truly. Only this time, they're actually 'silly'. 

  • When I get a new book, I love the way they smell. >< 
  • I have a set of names I use for pretty much every video game character that I get the option to name. (Pokemon not included.) 
  • I will ask for people's firstborn children if they want to borrow my favorite book. Nevermind that I don't know what I'd do with them! ;) 
  • It doesn't matter if I have a stack of ten books at home to read, if you offer to buy me a book, I'll say 'Yes Please.' there might even be hearts in my eyes. 
  • The same cannot be said for my video games. I am ridiculously picky about video games, but I love the ones I have. 
  • There is no such thing as going to the library to get "Just One Book." It does not process in my head.

And there you go some geeky confessions about me. What about you? What's something geeky that you do? Feel free to post in the comments below.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Today I want to talk about silly things. More accurately silly things I do  when I'm making jewelry.
It occurred to me (over this past week of being sick, my apologies on being away) that I do a lot of silly things when I'm at the bench. And they were so silly, I figured I'd share, because hopefully, I'm not the only one. ;)

  • I never seem to get even count Peyote stitch right. For reasons unknown I'll make five rows and then I just miss something. Somehow, I'll end up with a bead missing at the end and the whole piece gets chucked across the room. 
  • Ok, I don't really chuck unfinished pieces across the room. I just throw them down on the bench and stalk off like an angry cat. 
  • I always dive in at the deep end. When I'm learning a new skill, I don't start at the 'easy projects'. I go headfirst into this Super Amazing, Blow Your Socks Off Idea that I had at 2 am, without practicing the skill first. 
  • I then fail at said project, get really upset with myself and proceed to sulk....not that I tell anyone. I just sit and glare at my bench until I work up the nerve to try again.

See what I mean about silly things? These are things I'm working to change, and I figure the first step is admitting them and realizing that I do them, right?

What about you? What are some silly things you do?

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Spring Hasn’t Sprung Just Yet


For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, winter has been crazy this year, and it isn’t done with us yet. Since that’s the case, I put together a list of all sorts of plant themed things for around the home or office, to try and brighten things up a little.  They don’t need water or soil and bonus they look pretty! Some of it’s jewelry, some of it isn’t but for what isn’t, just consider it inspiration for things that could be. Winking smile 


First up, the picture that inspired this whole idea by AlwaysAprilAlayne.
I love how thick his beard looks, and the delicate shading she used.

If hirsute men and flowers are not your thing, try this:  A reprint of a botanical sketch by Herman Kohler. FleurDeNature has several others in her shop other than this lovely poppy. (I picked the poppy because it’s just so vibrant.)



I’m always moving or fiddling with things so this ring really appeals to me. On top of that, it’s beautifully  textured and oxidized. While artisanlook does have many other stunning rings (many of them just as mobile) this one is my favorite. ^^

This organic plate set from JustMare would more than likely end up in my studio rather than my kitchen were I to order it. I love looking at botanical sketches, there’s so much you can come up with from them. Open-mouthed smile I also really like the speckled texture.


Some people, like my sister B, get very grumpy and despondent during the winter. Looking at this, I think would be a great way to carry spring around everywhere, all year long, right? From StudioBotanica


If you’d rather decorate with something a little more textured, try this out. From sometimesiswirl.



I don’t know about anyone else, but I love to nap. However, I don’t get to nap much because it’s always too bright in my bedroom during the day. (Thank you south facing windows..) I think this eyemask from SwoonCashmere with it’s pretty flowers and silk band would help. What do ya’ll think?

When looking up botanical things for the home, I found these. And I died laughing. I love the juxtaposition of the fancy dress (circa what 1890’s give or take?)  mixed with the vibrant veggie heads. From PrintLand


Getting married this spring? encrestudio


This super realistic iris painting from marieburke1 blew my mind when I first saw it. I thought it was an upclose picture at first. Nope, it’s a skillfully done watercolor. Can you believe it?


Something to make your office pop this year, a bright and vibrant calendar from MyPaperKittens! Open-mouthed smile (And really? That name is too cute.)

I’ve got family all over the country, and this seems like a great things to send out in the mail to cheer people up. Smile From MemoriesPictures

If you like the botanical prints, but don’t want flowers, this might be more up your alley. Exotic fungi and how they grow. Taken from a book published in Belgium in the 1800’s by AntiqueWallArt.


While normally I'm not one for images on my cupcakes, this would change my mind. So simple and already made. By QueenofTartsWafers

By LittleHousePillowCo


Made from real dandelions set in resin, this necklace by Safayet, just brings one thing to mind “make a wish!”


Like any of the pieces above? Feel free to comment below :D

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Video Game Rules

What I wanted to do today was share something that had made me laugh several years ago about video games. It was titled something along the lines of "Golden Rules of RPGs", and included "If it's shiny, pick it up." Sadly, most of my searching resulted in google giving me answers about shiny pokemon. While useful, not what I wanted. So I went hunting and found a few tropes that I thought I'd share instead.

1. If it's shiny, pick it up. (Come on, you didn't see this one coming?)

2. Always take the path of most resistance. It'll probably have something useful at the end.

3.   Is the building being destroyed around you? There'll always be a fireproof/destruction proof pathway you can escape through!  -coughSkyrimcough-

4. 1000 years- This is a frequently occurring date in RPGs. The Big Bad Evil either shows up every 1000 years or was sealed away 1000 years ago. Why? Does no one know how to kill them?

5. Every merchant in the world — even those living in far-off villages or hidden floating cities cut off from the outside world for centuries, even those who speak different languages or are of an entirely different species — accepts the same currency.

6. All- Terrain Party- This is just one that makes me laugh. No matter what weather conditions you're traveling through, your characters won't be affected. They won't faint in the hot desert, and they won't get frost bite if you go into a snowstorm in little more than their skivvies.

And our last one, rule number 7,

7. If someone tells you that you ABSOLUTELY, MUST NOT do something, go do it. It generally progresses the plot.

Have any other favorite rules/tropes? Feel free to share them in the comments.

** Some of these are taken directly from I don't own those, I just borrowed them.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

10 Things I’m Dreaming of…

Have you ever had one of those days, where despite your best efforts, you’re not getting much work done? All you’re doing is daydreaming. Or perhaps you’re working hard but a small “What if…”  or ‘If only….” pops into your head. That’s been me today. I came down with a killer cold, and now I’m up to my knees in tissues, scraps of wire and what ifs. I figured I’d share…the what ifs that is, not the yucky tissues.

  1. An assistant  (to get water when I run out, and take notes while I'm working) 
  2. A brick and mortar store. 
  3. Someone to deal with correspondence for me. It's not that I don't want to, I just hate leaving my workbench! Or at least someone to look over the correspondence in case I'm not making sense..
  4. A room specifically for my supplies. 
  5. Silver! I want so badly to work in silver...
  6. A huge stash of sari ribbons to play with. 
  7. A better torch would be lovely. (not that I have any issues with my baby, I just can't do everything I want to with a microtorch)
  8. A HUGE craft library. >< This would be heaven. 
  9. A full set of chasing and repousse tool. =sighs dreamily=
  10. A way to use super super thin copper! 

What about you? What are you dreaming of? Feel free to share in the comments.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Valentine’s Day with Your Favorite Geek (Image Heavy)

How hard is it to shop for your favorite geek? Not all that hard, right? You just need to know what they love (and if they're a geek, they'll have told you) and go hunting. Luckily with Etsy, it's really that easy. While wandering through I managed to put together a collection of things that are both geeky and sweet.

One of the most iconic lines in the movie for romantics, and you can find it just about every where on the internet these days.

Recognizable to any Zelda fan, the Half Heart pillow. I can just see adding in a note 'You complete me.' or some such thing.

When I was in high school, I was all for weird and interesting ways to express loving someone. This anatomically correct heart is right up my alley.

Everyone loves zombies right? Or is it supposed to be that the zombies are going to be eating your heart?

Does the Companion Cube really need any explanation?

While I'm not sure I understand what would classify as "nerdy" I have a few friends that would love this card.

Mini-card for your favorite bookworm? I can easily see this being handed over in the cover of a book off their TBR list.

Hmm.. I'm not sure whether that's a good thing or not! ;) Makes me think about the one with a Silence and a Weeping Angel...

I think the description for this card says it best; "Remember that moment in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade when Indy has to pick the Holy Grail out of a whole roomful of them, and the old knight smiles oh so mysteriously at him and says, "you have chosen wisely." EPIC. Now you can share that same moment with the Indy of your dreams, just to let him know that you've chosen wisely, too. ;)"

This one really appeals because you can truly personalize it. No matter what you and your favorite geek are into, this card is for you.

This one would have made it on my list just for general cuteness alone.

Little Spock looks so confused!

Since I 'm just learning programming, this one makes a lot of sense to me, and makes me laugh.

Usually I am hopelessly ignorant on internet fads and the like, but this one is just too hard to miss.

More programming love.

Maybe this will get him off Halo for a while? No? Yeah, you're probably right, but at least he'll love it.

And rounding it out, an adorable pair of robot lovers.

Have a happy and geeky Valentines!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Welcome Back!

When I had to take down the blog last year (wow that sounds odd) I had intended to have things back up and running, and posting regularly by the 15th of January. I even had this whole "Welcome Back" post full of snark and lovely goals.

Through various life things getting in the way though, that got tossed by the wayside, although I did make sure there would be a book review for ya'll.

This time, I'm back though, and even trying something new so that I can commit to bringing new content and ideas for ya'll, an editorial calendar. Full of jewelry, design, learning things, and the usual variety of geeky things as well.  I even have plans for a few regular posts, although the ATB will only be done every now and then ( was it just me or was it getting repetitive?) Instead, you can follow me over at my new twitter @GlassEternal where I'll post up thoughts and questions that pop up as I work. I'll also be posting up content two to three times a week, still with a healthy mix between jewelry and all things chic and geeky.

Last year was chaotic and an utter mess, this year will hopefully be better. Care to find out with me?

Book Review: Designing Jewelry With Semiprecious Beads

Title: Designing Jewelry With Semiprecious Beads

Author: Kim Gover

Pictures: 10/10
Clarity of Instruction: 2/10

Complexity: 2/10

Overall Score: 8/10


Hullo :) How are you doing today? Good I hope? Today's book is a book that, odd as it seems, just puts me in a good mood. Not because it's got super complex work, or deep insightful teachings on how to make jewelry. More because of the attitude of the jewelry it shows off. Let me start off by saying the pictures in this book are BEAUTIFUL! They're bright, they're colorful, and they're not too cluttered. The layout is superb and it's not a book that when flipping through it I get what I call "shiny glare' . (You know it, you go into a bead or gem show and after staring at everything for so long your brain just shuts down and can't absorb any thing else? Yeah, that.) Luckily this book doesn't do that :D

The most complicated thing in this book is a bit of wire wrapping. Other than that, it's a simple stringing book, with nothing too scary in it. The first third of the book is devoted to going over different stones that you can work with, if it's altered and what it does to it, if it can be passed off as something else, the relative price of the stones, and some suggested companions for the stone. The second half is about making a piece of jewelry for every stone listed, if not more than one.  Say you like the idea of amazonite? There's a beautiful combination of amazonite and rose quartz on page 68.   All of the designs are classy and fun, and vary in style design. 

While this isn't one I'd pick up for myself, if you're just getting started, or you need a good reference on stones, I would definitely pick this one up. 

Do you have any thoughts on this book? Feel free to comment below. :)