Saturday, February 1, 2014

Book Review: Designing Jewelry With Semiprecious Beads

Title: Designing Jewelry With Semiprecious Beads

Author: Kim Gover

Pictures: 10/10
Clarity of Instruction: 2/10

Complexity: 2/10

Overall Score: 8/10


Hullo :) How are you doing today? Good I hope? Today's book is a book that, odd as it seems, just puts me in a good mood. Not because it's got super complex work, or deep insightful teachings on how to make jewelry. More because of the attitude of the jewelry it shows off. Let me start off by saying the pictures in this book are BEAUTIFUL! They're bright, they're colorful, and they're not too cluttered. The layout is superb and it's not a book that when flipping through it I get what I call "shiny glare' . (You know it, you go into a bead or gem show and after staring at everything for so long your brain just shuts down and can't absorb any thing else? Yeah, that.) Luckily this book doesn't do that :D

The most complicated thing in this book is a bit of wire wrapping. Other than that, it's a simple stringing book, with nothing too scary in it. The first third of the book is devoted to going over different stones that you can work with, if it's altered and what it does to it, if it can be passed off as something else, the relative price of the stones, and some suggested companions for the stone. The second half is about making a piece of jewelry for every stone listed, if not more than one.  Say you like the idea of amazonite? There's a beautiful combination of amazonite and rose quartz on page 68.   All of the designs are classy and fun, and vary in style design. 

While this isn't one I'd pick up for myself, if you're just getting started, or you need a good reference on stones, I would definitely pick this one up. 

Do you have any thoughts on this book? Feel free to comment below. :) 

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