Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Start of Something New

One of my favorite things to do is see how other people look at the same thing, and what happens when you try and look at something the same way as someone else. Up until now, I've primarily done this by looking at Lapidary Journal's Design Challenge pages. I love reading those articles!

However, I wanted to start something here on MBS, and invite all of you to join in as well. So, every other week (the week's I don't post up treasuries) I'll post up a character and the art associated with them. Then you've got two weeks to go ahead and figure out a design either based on that character, or something for them.
You're welcome to go ahead and post yours in the comments, and I'll post mine at the bottom of the next post.  You're also more than welcome to post up your own ideas for characters for the future. I hope ya'll will participate and see it as a grand experiment! :D


So for this first week, I figure we’ll start off with an easy one, although it is one that doesn’t get a ton of attention : Jafar! I’m drawing these images from two of the most common sources of material, Disney and the Once Upon a Time spin off (which I still have not been able to check out…) I had to resize them, so I included the link to the original image with each one.





And that is this  fortnight’s challenge! Good luck and I’ll post my designs next time we do this Open-mouthed smile

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