Sunday, June 1, 2014

Book Review: Kumi

Title: 'Kumi' Braiding with Beads, Thread, Yarn, Cords
Author: Suzanne MCNeil
Pictures: 6/10
Clarity of Instruction: 9/10
Complexity: 4/10
Overall Score: 7/10
This is actually the shortest book I've reviewed to date, with  a grand total of 19 pages! Oh me oh my, whatever will I do with such a ginormous book!? 
While I haven't had a chance to test any of these projects out yet, I can tell you this much, they look really easy, and really fast. Since I make a good amount of pendants that I just don't know what to do with, I love the idea of being able to string them on cords I've made myself. The instructions are clear and easy to follow and it looks like once you get the hang of it you'll be able to work for hours without needing to really pay attention to the work.  Perhaps I am merely uninitiated, but it appears to me as though they all work off the same pattern, and the book only shows you different color combinations and how to arrange themm on the wheel so that your cord ends up looking a certain way. This isn't necessarily a bad thing.
I also like the tips that are given at the front, such as accounting for how much thread you need versus how much cord you're going to get. If you want a 20" necklace, you apparently need to have 60" of each color of thread/cord. The only thing set forward by the book that I don't agree with is the idea of not using it with wire. It states that because the braiding wheel is made of foam that the wire will cut it. I could be wrong, but I believe that using annealed wire to do this would make a very nice cord, and still leave the wheel fact I do believe I'll try that and get back to ya'll at some point. 
On a side note? While I am all for making things on your own, and not spending money if you don't have to, I don't suggest trying to make one of the boards....I cannot imagine that it would turn out right. Unless of course you are super precise and far better at figuring out how to make this sort of thing than I am.
Do you have any thoughts on this book? Feel free to comment below. :) 

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