Monday, June 2, 2014

Cast in Peril


The cover for this week's book has me rather excited. Kaylin is in a dress and holding an egg. I'm going to assume it's our mysterious egg from the last two books?

It's rather pretty and the dress is a shade of green that puts me in mind of peridot. It's a gorgeous strapless dress, leaving her neck and shoulders bare, which immediately has me thinking "Jewelry is needed!"  Given the color and the background I'd go with a forest theme, done in peridot and gold.

     Two ideas spring to mind, one rather simple, and the other more ornate. The first is just a simple branch, with leaves of peridot. The other  is a front piece, gems set within the branches of the tree, split to form the collar, which narrows down into a chain. The top half of the 'plate' (geez, I really don't know what to call it D:  advice anyone?) would have peridot, the bottom half would be chasing, repousse, and texturing.

Poor Kaylin, you don't ever do well with perky morning people do you?

Diarmat is considering giving up? O.O Kaylin is more stubborn than Dragons. Holy moly. And she's been /trying/ at these things.

Woo! Go Kaylin! Finally got the blasted thing lit!

Poor Kaylin, I can just imagine the bore of having to learn all of their titles.

Did Grammayre actually use sarcasm just then? Even though he's exceedingly pissed?

I find it amusing that 8 weeks of Kaylin's time is less than what they'd usually pay for information like this. I wonder what she gets paid?

Elide- 1) To leave out, suppress, omit or ignore. 2) To leave out or slur over in pronunciation.

Assassins? Well. This is a new one.

An Arcane bomb. Hells bells.

The egg hatched in the middle of an Arcane bomb. And it's eyes are opalescent. I love this series.

A familiar? I thought that that was just a term, not an entire species. Interessant.

O.O Kaylin. You're floating in a sphere of magic and someone just tried to kill you and the only female Dragon. I don't care how cute the little opal thing is, focus woman!

... why would Teela and Tain be displeased by a familiar? I thought most Barrani  wilded magic to some degree?

How does one look vaguely regal? I want to master this look, it could be useful.

Sorcerer, now capitalized. Different than mage, Arcanist, or Chosen?

It squeaks every time it tries to roar. Yeah, ok, it's cute.

And Diarmat shows up. Shoes.

Only a few hours old, and he's got a definitive opinion, I like ^^.

When Dragons snort smoke.... what color is it? Since smoke implies that /something/ is being burnt, what would that be?

Arkon! That was mean!!

And that completely makes up for it.. Stop being so confusing Arkon.

Small, translucent, shaped like a dragon, and has the attitude of a cat . "I do not belong to you. You belong to /me/." 

          "An Arcanist, but with actual powe

Sorcerer as defined by the Arkon.r."

Kaylin you're temperamental and in possession of a familiar that wants to protect you. Do you really think that you can be involved with the investigation into who bombed your home?

Teela, bruised?O.O What in the seven?

This one one hell of an attack.

          3 Barrani dead

          1 Aerian dead

          2 mages (not Arcanists) dead- so bad thing

          Clint injured

          The Arcanum (the building) was also damaged, though it's still standing.

So Teela is inviting Kaylin to stay within the High Halls.... why does this sound like a VERY bad idead?

If Evarrim was there...why wasn't he involved in the fighting/ Did he betray them? Is that even possible?

          I have realized after rereading my notes that I was mixing Barrani Evarrim and Dragon Emmerian. Evarrim is the Arcanist, and Emmerian was said to be meeting the Hawks at the Arcanum to be aiding them, hence my mix up.

So ... It has to be a Barrani that attacked if we are assuming that Bellusdeo was the target.

     If that's the case, it had to be a Lord for them to have the power, both politically and magically.

     The Emperor is pissed because the Barrani Hawks hadn't a clue about this. Got it.

I'd like to do a piece based on the familiar, when it was in it's egg and just a hatchilng. Perhaps a carved amethyst over an opal slice ala David Brackna

          Do research -Optical Inlays- David Brackna

                              Tony Geonnotti

                              Earl Montgomery- Space Gems

Rooms within the Tower of Tiamaris (that we've seen and had named)

     Formal Dining Room

     Maggaron's Room

     Mirror Room


     And now Tiamaris' War Room.

Why were familiars considered auspicious? (good omens)

Tiamaris is allowing Barrani to retain property rights in the fief? Interesting.

"Actually a wall...and looked like solid stone. GIven Tiamaris was running at it head first, Kaylin wasn't too concerned, if it failed to open, it was unlikely to hurt him."  Buuuut... What about you and Severn on his back? O.o

No one else with him? Is he speaking with a ghost or a Shadow perhaps?

There are spaces within the fief borders, actual spaces of their own?

What in the seven hells is Severn's chain made of that flame and magic do nothing to it?

Sooo... this thing in the fiefs is connected to the bombing of Kaylin's apartment... to me, this suggests that the bombing was focused on Kaylin, not Bellusdeo (heretofore just called Bell to save space.)

Great. Just Dandy. An entirely new scary place. "The outlands"

ahh. they seem to be doorways within a world. Rather than the doors between separate worlds, they are doors which lead between 2 places within a world.

     An example for us (were it possible) would be between NYC and Paris. Step through a door rather than an airplane. (Wow, that would be lovely.... and make getting to shows so much easier.)

"If they anger, annoy or bore me, I will send them home; if they attempt to remain, I will send them home in pieces." Tiamaris, I wish I could do this.

What would these portals have to do with the embezzling? Why would it be needed?

When will you accept that he will always be aware of you?

I hate when you're like this Nightshade >:(

I want someone to threaten Nightshade at somepoint, just so I can see the Castle eat them. Omnomnomnom

Even given his involvement in this, he is trying to protect her. It's confusing.

The familiar is trying to protect her from Nightshade. He has actually gone and attacked him, some sort of opalescent smoke? And... Nightshade acting like an acrobat? XD

Teela <3  "I can't tell whether you're warning me off Nightshade or telling me not to judge him."

     At least we have total confirmation she has feelings for him, and vice versa ^^

The Eternal Emperor visited the High Halls? O.O

     I didn't know he even ever left the Palace.

Fittings. Oh joy.

Teela is outfitting Kaylin both due to her kyuthe ties, and her title, interesting.

An armed escort... this looks bad.

Kaylin, I love when you let your temper reign, and arm it with words.

O.O A Barrani... being tried by Imperial Court....holy..... (for those just joining us, we learned in Cast in Courtlight, that this NEVER happens. If a Barrani commits a crime (and is caught...) then the only Court that tries them is the Barrani Caste Court.)

He's giving her the pendant again? Aww Sanabalis, that's sweet.

     (So apparently AutoCorrect thinks that 'Sanabalis' is 'Canabalism'... I have issues with this.

"I hate being the only mortal in a gathering full of Immortals who think killing each other cleverly is the height of good manners."

Sneaky Severn...

The Arkon, asking a favor? What strange land is this??

Oh... this is both the best and worst idea possible.

     Teela+Tain+Bell Oh hells bells.     

     "I haven't been bored for weeks." XD

     And it's a high compliment XDDD

I admit, I did not expect this to happen in this book.

     And we're off to the West March, lands of the brother of the High Lord & Consort, and kyuthe to Kaylin.

Yes! This is the way a dress should be! "Soft, light and long, while still allowing for full freedom of movement."

Why did they not describe Teela's jewelry? D: Screw it, I'm making up some anyway. White, gold and green, dripping from wrists and fingers...

Kaylin, why would you immediately think that you have to think like Evarrim, when there are 4 other Barrani you like far more that you could think like? 7 if you count the Royal siblings.

O.o Once again I realize why I draw the parallel between Barrani and the classical ideas of elves.

"Please tell me we don't have to bleed on the tree? " Sorry Kaylin

"I do not believe the Barrani. And they're worried about signing a guest book?"

Blasted hatchilng! That was important to him...

     and it's not hot? what type of magic is this little one?

O. how did you manage that? I really hope you didn't break it little hatchling.

That is a rather well acomplished bow Kaylin, well done.

Mr. Small and Squawky XD

I wonder why? Would the tree devour the blood and do something odd?

Well, that's certainly a way to discourage visitors.

     " You'll find the room either too hot or too cold; you'll find everything slightly off.. If you remain in the room you'll begin to notice unpleasant, small details... An excess of insects. Spiders, small beetles.... But the air gets stuffy, and if you can' or won't take the hint, it becomes absent. It's not unlike being buried alive, but without the dirt."

          Trust the Barrani to have magic tree houses, pardon waystations that can tell you to gtfo.

Darn it Severn... I don't want to like the idea of you and Kaylin being together. Stop  being so ..real. =grumbles.=

Ok. Grudgingly, I like you Severn. Grudgingly, because of this line.

     "I made a life that has space for you in it, but it's still my life."

....Furniture that chooses your clothing. Interesting.

I want these boots. Anythign that Kaylin would whistle at, I want. Practical and pretty, I'm all for it.

Gahhhhh. Badbadbad. But if it's so simple in comparison to even Teela, let alone the Consort, why is it bad?"

"The blood of the green" why does this sound like the forest has recognized her as Chosen the way Water did, or as a match (or equal) to the Lord of the West March perhaps?

What the hell is with this dress. It absorbed the light and bloody changed colors? I want!

Soo.. the dress has significance because you are a Lord of the Court that holds his own name? O.o Andellan that makes no sense.

Blood of the green is important to the regalia, and the person wearing it is also important. In that they have to do something.

Evarrim being... nice? This is highly suspicious and if he hadn't saved both the Lord of the West March and the current High Lord, I'd say kill him.

New words- Harmoniste & illuminations

     I'm assuming that the harmoniste is whoever gets the blood of the green outfit, and the illuminations are whoever gets bonked on the head by a ball of light.

This implies that Teela does now control her families lands?

I take back my commentary about Barrani and elves. They make waystations anywhere and everywhere apparently. This evening's choice is a cliff. I wonder if the hatchling will try to bite it?

Less territorial friends? Where's the fun in that Teela?

So it seems the interior is shaped by the exterior.

     Tree station (to use Kaylin's term) = rounded and oval shapes

     Cliff station= hard, solid lines

     I like the tree station more.

Ooooh Nightshade...=chuckles=

I'm thinking these robes are important. And any other male of Kaylin's acquaintance in a tiara would be amusing. Since it's Nightshade, I'm sort of... expecting it? Its a tiara with an emerald in it, obviously I have to draw it. I also want to try and fit something to the robes that he's wearing. They're cream edged in blue, with both colors shifting between all possibilities suggested within those.

The waystations, they are the 'hearts' of the green and somehow have the capability to summon people. Why am I not surprised?

How in the seven bleeding hells is the Consort using Nightshade's TRUE Name??? Outloud???

     Or is there more to it than simply, knowing the name?

"the publicly acceptable form of his name' oooook?

There is a Barrani Wolf??? I want to meet him!

So... is Nightshade wearing a tiara that Kaylin is actually supposed to be wearing?

Next question are these waystations sentient that they are (potentially) placing her in rooms with either one of her theoretical suitors? Are the waystations picking sides?

     Sadly/not sadly she ended up with Teela for the night.

I hope the hatchling  grows to  like Nightshade.

O.o she's staying with Teela?

XD Kaylin and Teela having a water war. I cannot believe it.

O.o Kaylin as harmoniste is so bad that Teela is cool with cutting off the Hawklord's wings before having it happen. This is going to be an enjoyable book.

Teela was subjected to the regalia as a child. Interesting and important. But she seems (mostly) whole and not insane.

O.o Teela....

Why only for Teela? While there don't seem to be any gender biases, why not give the same gift to his sons?

So Teela is the only child who was tested that was not... changed for the worse.

A dozen children lost... wow.

And Lords of the Court as well from the fights? no. After the recitation apparently.

O.o the children killed the Lords. What in the seven is this transformation?

"Worry if you like. But guilt? No. Your guilt is an attempt to deprive me of the ability to make an adult choice- and accept the resultant consequences-"

     This... this is an important passage. Not only within the book, but within human social interactions I believe. Which is funny in that its said by a Barrani.

Pillow talk among the girls. The same no matter what.

Second book where the evil chickens have made an appearance and I cannot help but laugh.

A Teller of Tales doesn't happen without a harmoniste, there can be a harmoniste though and no Teller.

Once again the Barrani see things others don't.

Does the number of illuminations matter? They don't apparently affect the harmoniste either way.

     I'd like to do a set based around the illuminations. Perhaps earrings as just cut stones, and then two different pendants. One with the number of illuminations and a second that is just an encased star.

Nightshade isn't approaching, but he does still protect her.

     Gah, I have a love/hate relationship with everything this book inspires in me.

Wait. Why do the Barrani magics create a Dragon. I know the Draco-Barrani war partially took place in this area buuuuuuut... still?

Crazy hatchling! What in all the Seven are you doing! It's not a threat! And it's your own kind, sort of, you'd think you'd be happy!

Ok, the shape taken by the river is not always the same, interesting.

Nightshade... singing? I wish this was a real thing. 

Hallione Kariastos, a person at one time?

I like this gent! I'm not sure who he is or was, other than a great mage it seems, but I like him.

Severn said that poisons lose their efficacy within the waystations. I wonder if many Barrani carry small poison bottles on them at all times?

Hallione actually means waystation.

Kariastos, despite his Draconic form, is actually a mostly Barrani Avatar.

O.O XD I LOVE Kariastos.

     "Perhaps the young ones have forgotten. And if it is necessary, I will wake my brothers from here to the heart of the green and they will explain our ancient rules more... clearly."

Only half the traveling Court? Where is the other half?

He said it outloud. and really? Only one wants to harm her? Is Evarrim inside? Wait, no. Nightshade would be if he was.

Lord Iberrienne- this is the assassin?

Okay... Hallione, are constructs, but possibly a race of sorts as well?

Karostos is playing fix-it. Holy shitake! <3

It's always fun reading these books because I have to translate what the Barrani say. And those translations vary every time.

"We call them lullabies, but in general, they don't mention gruesome deaths." XD

     Wait. Have you not heard "When the bow breaks the cradle will fall"? ... I don't know if this world would have that song necessarily, but still! That one is gruesome if you think about it.

He's coming with? How interesting.

Oh dear. Teela, are you threatening the Consort?

3 Lords dead? O.o Oh dear. I thought that wasn't possible Kariastos?


Phew, ok. So the three that died are just idiots. No loss there.

Soo... is Teela on Nightshade's side or his opponents or is she just presenting the facts?

Polite horror at the chain weapon? Why, because he was taught it's use by a Barrani and he's 'merely' mortal?

Shadow creatures... speaking Elantran?

How can opals be repellent? I can't wrap my head around this.

They speak and they can issue orders. Oh shoes.

Terrano... one of the children. I thought the Hallione contained them?

He is all shocked and appalled and  Kaylin is "Pfft, don't give a damn" . <3

Really, did you have to mention the bugs?

Nightshade... a child? Or a sibling?

A graveyard?

Hey! The tree Hallione has a name :D Sylvanne

Huh. I see I'm not the only one that thinks songs have power.

"I have made it clear that they are not to distor their faces or bodies beyond the acceptable norm for Barrani" XD

     I love that this has to be made clear.

Ok, new favorite: Bertolle, that is the kindest thing ever.

Wilson? Only you Kaylin.

Oh... that might prove dangerous in the future.

"You are merely a Lord of the High Court" XD Go Kaylin!

This book is just going crazy and I cannot believe it's going to end where it is. ROAR!!!!


     Iberrienne promises Human Caste Court immortality

     Exchequer embezzles to give it to him.

     Iberrienne uses money to bribe fieflords and buy people.

She can purify them. O.O This might be important.

They ruby has blackened?

That comment earlier about nothing damaging Severn's weapon? Yeah, taking that back.

So... The next book, in some ways will be Cast in Peril, Part 2. =laughs= That is going to be my unofficial title for it now.

I feel that the title for this book, now that I've read the entire thing, is 100% accurate.

Alright ladies and gents! Thank you for following along with this week's book, I hope you enjoyed it, and the designs. I'm sorry for taking Friday off, like I said, I got a 24 hour bug, and could not get out of bed. Next week's book will be up on Friday as per usual. See you all then :D

As always, please feel free to comment below, I love comments. :D (They feed the website gremlins ;) )

Have any suggestions for future books to design around? Feel free to comment below. ^^

Cast in Shadow I & II
Cast in Courtlight
Cast in Secret
Cast in Fury
Cast in Silence
Cast in Chaos

Cast in Ruin

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