Friday, May 2, 2014

Cast in Silence

I can't believe we're already in the fifth book. Wowza.

If you're just coming in to this series, welcome! Feel free to scroll to the bottom click through to any of the earlier posts. This post series on Fridays is me reading a book, reacting as I read it, and then designing jewelry around what I read. Feel free to suggest books for the future.
For those of you coming back to read again, hi there! I missed all of you :D

Let's dig into the book!

I love when a book starts with threats of violence ^^. " Had the cheerful and musical voice belonged to a person who could be easily strangled, it would have stopped in midsentence."

Marcus! :D

Of course Kaylin is out of money. She wouldn't be Kaylin if she wasn't. XD

I wonder how many people have to be included for it to be called a 'smallish' war... a few hundred? Any less and it would be a skirmish right?
Given this description of Margot, I want to meet this woman. Other than the fact that she's a charlatan, she sounds interesting. Tall, statuesque redhead, amber eyes, sinful voice, lots of people attracted to her. Yup, going to have to design something for this... There we go, it would accentuate her throat, and any cleavage the lady has. Kaylin would probably just see it as an easier method to strangle her.

So even Kaylin get's accused of the 'oh it's just that time of month'... I like her threats in reply though ^^.

Grethan! I don't know whether to be happy to see you or want to whack you on the head.  Oh, he's learned to speak more clearly, good. Or just dealing with Evanton for a few weeks and not having his hopes torn to shreds and told he did something positively idiotic helped. XD

Oh dear....wait. If the Barrani called it Ravellon... how did it become a rune. More importantly, how are the true names of different people written on Kaylin. Are they true names in the sense of sybological languages? Where each symbol is a word in and of itself, but could also possibly be used as a name? O.o Ugh.. some of these bits make my head hurt...

I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that's the first time it's been mentioned that there are blades at both ends of Severn's chain weapon.


What is  a fieflord doing sending people across the river to do business? O.o

Ohhh... Barren. This book is going to be interesting. we get to find out about that six months after Steffi and Jade and prior to her becoming a Hawk maybe? This is either going to be wonderful, or very, very scary. I'm not sure which.

Teela! <3 "You've managed to go drinking with officers and wreck half a tavern!"

This is why I love Teela & Tain. Wait. Are these two lovers or siblings? I can never tell given the way they act with each other. NOT a sibling then... Barrani are scary. Teela dislikes potatoes. =laughs= I love this!  Aw, they're concerned over this. Yay having friends. O.O She... went into Barren when she was BORED??? Holy. Moly.

Seriously Kaylin? How could you accuse Teela of not trusting you? Idiot girl. She might consider you young in comparison (which given that Teela seems to be 1000 years old or so might be something..) doesn't mean she doesn't trust you.

Ok, am I the only one who saw that coming? To some degree?

I love a) seeing Sanabalis, and b) being reminded that Tiamaris was NOT the best student, despite his attitudes now.

Etiquette lessons. If and when this finally happens, this is going to be very, very interesting.

Joey and Timar- First time we've learned about her coworkers! (other than the plot essential ones I mean.)

Severn, you are sneaky and smart as always.

Tiamaris in full uniform? Oh, we haven't seen that since the first book. Goodie ^^

The idea of a Dragon 'seated primly' is rather amusing to me.

Oh dear. Angry Marcus. Lift your chin and keep your eyes down Tiamaris.

I love that Nightshade has an enjoyment of flowers.

Oh. Apparently my understanding of this entire world, has been off. I always imagined the fiefs to lie to the east of the city, apparently they're to the north of it.    Interesting.  You know what? Screw it. We're making a map. Technically it's not a jewelry design, but y'all know me by this point, there's no telling what I could turn it into at some point.  Now, if memory serves, the seven fiefs are arranged in a sort of crescent, and Barren and Nightshade are the only ones that border the Abalayne.... This map might get updated with more knowledge as it becomes possible. ^^;

So.. What Nightshade is suggesting is that although both Barren and Liatt are mortal, Liatt has claimed her fief's version of the Castle, while Barren hasn't, and merely holds the fief by... cunning? Evilness? Some combination thereof? And that apparently the fiefs, the land itself resonates with the fieflord's name.

So... shadows and possibly ferals are getting worse, which is possibly the real reason that Barren wants Kaylin, and not actually that he's wanting to blackmail her? But since that's the only way he knows, it's what he's going with. This is my conjecture anyway.

Tiamaris' correction from High Halls to Barrani High Halls is interesting. Does that mean that there are Dragon High Halls?

I think Dragons have some sort of telepathy between themselves. There are too many instances when it would make sense.

I really need to create a sign or something that says "I am the Arkon.  Touch any of my stuff and you will die horribly."  ^^

"Sanabalis left her abruptly, but his departure wasn't the usual mystery; a Dragon roared, the palace shook, and when the tremors had died down, he was already out the door. Yeesh. I wonder if the Emperor stays permanently in Dragon form? And if so, how big is he? Is he a healthy Dragon, or fat from staying inside all the time and never flying. In fact, we haven't seen any less than fit Dragons, how odd... or Barrani.. or Leontines, definitely not Aerians, but that's a given. Only humans. interesting.

Oh, a lesson in magical theory. Fun stuff. Let's take the Mia version!

Multiple worlds exist

Each one has the potential for magic

Magic runs in lines. Lines can cross making either crosses or knots. (I'm guessing these are squiggly and messy.)

The Castles of the fiefs exist on these knots.

Magic where these lines cross (in either fashion) is more wild than it is when called elsewhere.

Wait. The Dragons know Kaylin took a name don't they? They know at least that she passed the test of the High Halls, but did she tell anyone other than Severn, Teela and the Consorts that she had one herself? Doesn't this mean she's in danger of changing if she goes in there?  Uh oh.

I don't know what she went through, I don't know if she'll live till the end of the book, but DAMN do I like Morse. This woman is harsh.

Six legs, way too many eyes and it TALKS? Eugh.

Go tiamaris! Kill it with fire!!

....did he? No.... ok, apparently I was wrong and he did.

So Morse is really the power in the fief, not Barren. But she doesn't want that mantle, so she hasn't killed him?

So... Aside from being a sick schmuck, Barren might just be slightly interesting.

What are they offering to bring her into? Simply knowledge, or something more? The Dragons built things? I wonder what they built, and if any of it still stands?

Wait.. They said they didn't build Ravellon. buuuuttt, what the Arkon is saying seems to contradict this.

Oh interesting, back to the High Halls. Will we see the Lord of the West March I wonder? And since we're seeing his ring, I"m guessing that's a yes.  Emeralds and ivory, and of course it's got magic on it. (Why am I not surprised. Blasted Barrani.) Wait a sec. How did he get a ring symbolizing the two of them that quickly??

O.O The Wolves.. seconded. Oh shoes.

Consort ^^ Back here again? Oh bother.  I was hoping we wouldn't have to deal with this room again, it makes me twitchy. 
Wait... so Nightshade didn't change because he went for a reason, not because he wanted power and or knowledge? So... is this a scenario of power corupts? Wait, no, it can't be. Because then all the Barrani would be corrupt. XD

There are Baranni fieflords who are not, or at least were not Outcaste? Interesting.

The pacing in this book is slower than the others. It's necessary, but it's still slower and there's a steep learning curve on it.

Okay... what in the seven just happened? A carriage that could make the Imperials look bad? In Barren? 

NIGHTSHADE??? O.O What in all the seven? This book has seriously derailed from what I thought was happening. No! Bad Nightshade! Do NOT attack them >:( the mark works even in this place? Good. NO BLAST IT NIGHTSHADE!

Copacetic? XD

Ok. Either this is a) the past or b) this is one of those different worlds.
How long has Nightshade been in the fiefs that it was prior to the existence of the Empire? ... actually, how old is the Empire?

>< Even in this strange place he's amused by her and cautioning her.

What does a door look like if you add it as an afterthought?

You cannot have Kaylin >:l

I have to agree Kaylin, I too like Younger Nightshade.

Morse: All bark and, yeah, still plenty of bite.

A Tower that unravels the lies we tell ourselves... I would build a place like that, and let all the world go through it. Maybe we'd be a people more at peace then... and the people that died trying to face it, we'd be better off.

Magic is supposed to have logic? I'm pretty sure this whole book has been proving that magic has no logic. XD

Flight, Wind, Fire Breath, Stone, associative words. DUH Kaylin, they're words that describe Dragons.

Imagining a little Tiamaris is amazing. ><

I don't understand what is going on here at all D: This, just, uhg. Brain melting.

It's cool and climactic, and tension, but my brain just isn't gettting it today with this headache ><;;;

!!!!! Tiamaris you amazing, beautiful, crazy Dragon. What in the seven bleeding hells are you doing??? I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Or just. GAH!

"There are shadows and invaders in my domain. There presence does not please me"  Only you.

Oh shoes. That is not going to be a good conversation... That's an understatement. This is going to be ugly.

Tara, with that one line, you have become several magnitudes more awesome.

Oh, new Dragons.






^ All known Dragons  to date

108 requests for promotion. Yeesh Kaylin.

Normal doors? Gasp!

The piece along the bottom is for Tara, I thought it might fit her role and personality, along with being a reminder of what she is.

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Cast in Shadow 1 & 2

Cast in Courtlight

Cast in Secret

Cast in Fury

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