Monday, May 26, 2014

What’s in a Line?

As Shakespeare once said " A line by any other name..." wait. I think I'm making that up ;). After our last discussion on lines, I kept thinking about them. What goes into a line? For me, for MBS, I've determined that a line is a central theme around which jewelry is built.

That leads to the question "well, what's a central theme?" A central theme could be a color or a shape. A specific bead, or a color palette.  It could be a location or an idea. So a central theme it seems, could be pretty much anything.

Well, does a line have to be a lot of jewelry? I'm not sure to be honest. To me, it doesn't make sense to do more than 10 pieces or so in a line, simply because I"m not a major designer. (And I only have so much space.) Also I want to be able to do many 'lines' or 'collections' throughout a year, not just one for spring, and one for fall. That smacks too much of 'fashion' for me.

Do I need to limit myself to one type of metal or material? I don't see why really. If you can meld the 2 or 3 or however many you want to use, why shouldn't you? The thing is, it has to fit, and look like it belongs. For me, this means that I'm sticking to just copper and base metals for the time being.

So, after answering all these questions, I'm still no closer to really understanding what a line is. Merely having a better idea on what I think I can and can't do.

Questions, comments?

Feel free to drop me a line below! :)

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