Friday, May 23, 2014

Cast in Ruin

Welcome back ladies and gents to our Friday book reading/design. This week's book is number 7, Cast in Ruin.

Ooo pretty purple cover this time and Kaylin with a sword. That's a first, normally she only fights with knives.
Poor Hawks, dealing with the aftermath of the 4 Dragons and a small army.
Wait. How can you demand repayment, was anything even damaged?
From the Office of the Halls of Law.
          To save us time, please fill out the below.
               Did you see a Dragon?
                    If no, please stay to discuss the problem you /are/ having.
               Did he  (check all that apply)
                    breathe fire
                    eat people/ large dogs
                    destroy buildings
               How large was he?
                    Giant !
                    The usual Dragon size.
O.o did no one see the FOUR Dragons in the skies?
       I didn't imagine that was possible.
An army of the shambling undead?
The travelers from the last book? Approx 3000 of them made it to Elantra.
               Is that even enough to restart a race?
Approx 8 ft tall in height.
Elani street got some new decoration apparently. A stream, and a new species of hardy flower.
Conspiracy of evil chickens?? O.o People in Elantra are a very crazy it seems.
Margot... joining the Merchant's Guild? XD
And the case against the Exchhequer isn't going well. Great.
Door ward glowing a sickly, pulsing green. This is not a good thing I am thinking.
Now pale purple...
Since when do doorwards speak? In Dragon no less?
The Palace has a stone garden? And DIirmat's office has this view? I wonder if that's one he chose?
Question from last time answered, they don't in fact always speak Dragon. Often they default to High Barrani.
Someone has been keeping an eye on Kaylin's actions and use of magic. This is not going to end well.
Really? You had to mess with the Foundling Hall? If you had just left that report out. =sighs= You'll be lucky if she doesn't strip your scales.
Abattoir- I'm still surprised Kaylin knows this word.
Diarmat is a Dragon and a stuffpot. (Of course he's just as dangerous as the Barrani. )
The egg! And we even now have a size for it! Since Kaylin is (roughly)  my size, I'd estimate that as of pg 34 the egg is between 6 &7 inches.
Is the bracer sentient to a degree? Normally Kaylin takes it off, and it goes to Severn. Maybe it only does that when she's 'getting rid of it' and not just taking it off for the night?
Somehow I don't want totake bets on which job is more difficult, Hawklord's secretary or Hawk den mother?
O.o they have  Forensic Accountants? XD
Absent Hanson, absent Hawklord, pissed off bureaucrat and Kaylin sitting at Hanson's (the secretary's) desk. Well that has to be an interesting story. 
Actual Dragons. Does this mean there are fake Dragons? Or people pretending to be Dragons?
Blue in Aerian is the (same as Blue in Barrani (sort of)) bad.
     Although I still don't get what it means in Leontine.
Hawklord, very difficult job.
>< This conversation. This is going just like one I've had and it's hilarious and slightly creepy.
What type of 'love' are we talking about here? Because I am 99% sure that just a few months ago you tried and nearly succeeded at /disemboweling/ this man. >:( Please be practical.
A portion of me is very glad that this conversation happened. It makes Kaylin so much more real.
XD For once it might actually hit someone?
Her eyes were entirely white? I don't remember this.. ahh, it is the drum magic then. Interesting.
They recognize the marks, but that magic isn't made of true words?
O.O They're /taunting/ it? These people are crazy!
This is /not/ supposed to be happening!
     D: Bad bad bad bad bad bad!
Screaming puddles. I am amused by this.
Is he trying to give his name to her? 
     That would imply some level of reluctance right?
Our first real description of the Shadows (although it still doesn't make sense...)
Of course Nightshade knows how to curse in Barrani.
Nightshade... while I know you're right, I sort of want to kick you.
A silent storm? While I suppose it makes sense since it's shadow and all, it's still not right >>
If the People aren't part of this world, why does everyone seem to recognize the sword? 
While they call themselves the People, everyone else calls them Norannir. (so, Norannir must be what 'People' sounds like in their language.
"And if I do not wish you to leave, you will remain in the Tower for the rest of your natural existence." XD Tara.
Ascendents =/= Chosen
          Somehow the marks still mean Chosen.
The sword really is alive? I'll believe it when I see it.
Tiamaris. You're pushing  off an important discussion for instructions on how to use a fork?
Such a Dragon comment. "If I'm not of a mind to kill them myself, no one else will do so without repercussions."
Wait, it literally broke? O.o that's a first.
What the hell are these women?
     Twins locked in a tower all their lives.
     Magical clones
     Shadow copies!
     Arcanist magic up to no good!
Make that first theory septuplets. Seven of them??
     I'm going with failed magical experiment as my official theory.
Seven bodies, three days, holy... this is looking bad.
     For the record that means this book is taking place 3 days after Cast in Chaos.
     I should create a time line at some point.
If Kaylin ever manages to do a cursory magical exam of the dead, I'll.... I don't know what I'll do, but I'll do something silly..
WTH?? Why are the eyes gold??
Oooo This is a new type of magic, a projection crystal.
     I wonder what goes into it that they're so hard to make?
Oh the Arkon let's humans into his Library? Why is this the first time we've heard of it?
This might be human, but they do work for the Arkon. If you tell them 'don't touch' they won't.
I am soo using that from now on.
How to tell you've really pissed Kaylin off.
     "May your day be full of angry Dragons."  alternatively 'May every Dragon you meet today be pissed off."
How do you say nothing /loudly/? Is it by posture or your facial expressions.
O.o he.... he spat fire at Sanabalis and he didn't so much as blink!
     If Dragon hair can be charred, wouldn't it be burnt off after something like this?
I love how she seems embarrassed about calling it a magic sword. Does she forget Teela is supposed to have had a named weapon?
No, Teela, Kaylin is not Baranni . SHe couldn't survive if she tried to  use intel against Diarmat XD.
Teela and Tain, ne or both holds the others' name.
What's the sword going to do just because it's unsheathed?
Would having a cat tongue help or hidner whistling?
I love that Kaylin thinks Tara has the definition of family confused...
Morgue trainees? Oh dear... I see trouble in the future.
O.O There are portable mirrors! Sort of.
If the "Shadowstorms" are not of the SHadows and the Shadows fear them, why do you call them Shadowstorms?
Not human? What in the seven is she then? Arresting? Whatever!
Why is Diarmat testing her like this? Her knowledge of history isn't going to come into play is it? O.o
O.O! I didn't think it was possible for the stuffpot to smile.
If I didn't know better, I'd think he was pleased at her answers. O.O
The egg turned colors? WTH?
oooo Teela is pissed..
It seems like the sword has finally decided to talk, after a fashion.
Is it wrong that I'm laughing because Severn is uncomfortable?
He's protective of her. It's not whether the case is strange or not, but if she'll be safely out of it.
That... that is well played Nightshade. I am seriously impassed.
XD Marcus. Only you would tell Teela 'no drinking'.
Does she go anywhere without them?
It's a game of Telephone?
Ancients/Old Ones had classes? "Shapers"?
The Shapers offered the Norannir a way into the Library of Ravellon?? Is that what they're saying?
The door though is somehow where Shadows came from?
This woman is the Dragon Queen? Oh, oh.  Bad bad bad bad.
So, we apparently now have a distinction. Storms(ancient) and Shadowstorms.
The Arkon is golden? Was he Bellusdeo's father?
Go Kaylin! That is how you use a name! 
I think the Arkon was just.... nice. I'm afraid.
I just witnessed the birth of a Dragon. Holy moly.
I'm dying. I am flailing around laughing so hard! I believe my ribs may cave in. Bellusdeo is complaining to Tiamaris about how Kaylin is living, because she wants to fix it!
Oh I like this lady!
     "And he's considered so easily offended that you will face death without these lessons? Does he honestly care how you hold a fork?"
Bellusdeo and Marcus. Oh Shoes.
A living allowance? This sounds slightly troubling.
Oh! New info! The Emperor does not in fact, hold any of the Court's Names.
That is... that is a beautiful ending... ><
So, after typing all of my notes in, I've come to the realization that I didn't come up with any jewelry designs during this book. Oops. Let's see what I can come up with?
We saw a couple of new Dragons in this book, and I came up with some pendants. Granted, these aren't at all what I think the Dragons look like, but the details are still sketchy.
I'm wondering what the egg looks like, or what will hatch from it. Hence the pendants. XD
Cast in Shadow I & II
Cast in Courtlight
Cast in Secret
Cast in Fury
Cast in Silence
Cast in Chaos
Did you like this week's book designs?
Have suggestions for a later book to read and design for?

Do you secretly fly around on giant bat wings?
Image copyright © 2014, Mia Scozzafava
Copying and displaying or redistribution of this image without permission
from the artist is strictly prohibited. Use of designs is strictly prohibited.

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