Friday, May 16, 2014

Cast in Chaos

Before diving into the book, allow me to start with the cover. Wow, do I love it.
It shows Kaylin in a very threatening posture, her arms spread  wide, and sort of bent, you can just imagine her knives in her hands. Her hair is whipping around her, and her face is the type that we best imagine in Cast in Shadow "You've hurt my children, and now I'm going to obliterate you." I cannot wait to see what happens. ^^

Warning: There is some yelling in this post.
If you were reading along at the very end of last week's post, you'll remember my comment about 108 requests for promotion. Sadly, upon opening, Kaylin is still a Private. (Well, maybe not so sadly XD)
Off topic note: Trying to balance coffee on the arm of a chair, book in the other hand and shifting in said chair, bad idea. -sighs- One of these day's I'll learn.
Tanner smirking, Severn waiting in the Aeria.. what's going on?
Imperial... courier? Oh shoes. This is not going to be pretty XD
What idiot messed with the window?? Wait. Who in the Hawks has the capability to mess with the window? Isn't the only mage-ish employed by the Hawks Teela?
O.o What type of advice could a window possibly give Marcus?  I am utterly baffled. Seriously, what could it offer? How to rip people's throats out more efficiently? Wait, that wouldn't work, it's the 'polite' window... How not to carve furrows into the desk?
I love, love, love that the table in the West Room might as well be a reoccurring character in this series. XD I don't think there's a single book that's gone by that hasn't had it show up, and be commented on at least once.
O.o they want her to go on off duty nights? WHO IN THE SEVEN BLEEDING HELLS  APPROVED THIS?? What slack jawed nitterbrain thought "oh yes, we know she's got healing abilities, and regularly gets called in by the Midwive's Guild, but we're going to have her working nights! On Ettiquette!" Seriously?? I hope they get eaten by the Emperor >>
Oh, back to Elani Street! Hi Evanton!
     And.. apparently I'm slightly mad. Even though I've got seven other things I'm doing, I want to try doing a Painting (all artsy and good and what not) for this series. On top of business, blogging and making jewelry. Oh and packing. =sighs= Some days.
Weather Vanes for magic? Oh now that just brings all sorts of crazy ideas to mind...
"She spoke clearly and calmly but her voice carried about as far as if she had shouted. It was one of the more useful things she'd learned in the Halls of Law."
1) Does learning to kill and not be killed, not count? 2) I WANT to learn this.... I have siblings, and nieces and nephews, this would be sooooo useful. That and for Black Friday crowd herding. XD
Stravaganza. I miss when a) there were merchants and b) they could get away with making up names like this.
SEP= Somebody Else's Problem. I might just start using this.
Oh la di da. Fancy lady in a tiff. =sighs= Kaylin tried to be polite even, and she decides to take it out on her. Poor Kaylin.
"like most of the wealthy families in Elantra they sported a mock-Barrani name." I find this highly amusing. The Barrani must have no end of laughing at these people.
Real magic on Elani, other than Evanton? Oh this is strange. I almost feel bad for Margot. Although she'll probably find a way to spin it to her advantage.
:D Kaylin got to keep the cloak from Nightshade last book! Sweet! I wonder if Evanton put anything interesting into it?
A shift in the magical potential... so...The lines we learned about in Silence are shifting?
Blue in Aerians has the same meaning as blue in Barrani- BAD, anger or fury.
     I want to write a "Guide to Not Getting Killed in Elantra" at some point. An illustrated guide.... it could be interesting. A post for another day though.
I want a hoard. Actually, I have a hoard, I'm just unable as of yet to define fully what it is... erm, that and I don't have huge point teeth, claws and wings to support that claim.
     Quick quiz! If you've been reading along, which race in Elantra would you want to be?
     Some unnamed race that everyone seems to fear.
     Leave your vote in the comments ;D

I love that Marcus really does sign with a paw print. XD 
Kaylin always says Dragon can look like aged wise men. Does this imply that they have some choice over how they appear? Can they think "Oh, today I want to look like I'm 35, but tomorrow I'm going to appear 67"?
1) Sanabalis using magic. Scary stuff. 2) I didn't know they could make Mirrors that don't look like mirrors! That pretty stained glass window... well, I suppose it would make sense for Sanabalis to have something like that in his 'office'. 3) Dragon voice :D (although if I was there, I probably wouldn't be so happy about it if the ground is shaking from it. )
O.o I'm feeling a little dense here. Why does the growing of a representation of Evanton's shop, show a problem? his shop uses magic yes, erm, well, he uses magic within the shop, but his shop also contains the elements. Would it be possible that the 'map' is showing that more magic is collecting there? So.. not only is this representation different than what's actually there... but there's something more. On top of that, why is Sanabalis assuming that there is a zone between Elani, the Halls and.. wait. Ok. If his magic is haywire at the palace, it went haywire at the Halls and on Elani street, it's safe to assume that it's haywire everywhere in between. That took waaay too long for me to catch up to ><;; I feel mildly embarrassed now.
Sanabalis? Speaking colloquially? This is an emergency.
O.o how much of  a... hardheaded frump is Kaylin's etiquette teacher that he wouldn't let her out of classes when it's quite literally a magical emergency?
It is rather odd that the Oracles don't seem to have any tell in this. Oh, wait, scrap that. Sabrai does seem to have had some idea.
Everly and the Book Girl ! Oh joy. ^^  I guess we don't get to see them though.. Fiddlesticks.
Raining...blood? O.o And since when are storm clouds green gray, really? Mine are normally blue gray maybe, but not green....I should find out about other areas though...
Didn't Sanabalis say...oh, wait. That was Records. XD Oops.
Anyway! Large, angry Leontine, looking like it got doused with a blood bath. That is one frightening image.
O.o XDD Severn, you're attempting to teach Kaylin to budget? Kaylin?
Vanishing doors. Lovely. Apparently the Imperial Palace might be just as much a living place as the Castle or Tiamaris' Tower. We'll have to keep an eye on that one.
O.O That is one HUGE mirror.
Ohhh, so all things can in theory be used as Mirrors, and gain access to Records, if you've got enough magic backing you up. This explains Sanabalis' window. In theory though, this fancy schmancy table should dampen/resist the crazy magical goings on? Good to know.
And hey! It's from the West March.
Sanabalis being considered 'young'? That is funny. If the Arkon is ancient, and Sanabalis is old, I wonder how old the Emperor is, and does he affect that appearance or no?
Fancy new word- abattoir -reaches for the dictionary- Apparently of French origin (gee really?) it means a slaughterhouse. Silky word for a rather messy place.
So.. one area was destroyed, and the other had humans show up? This book, from the outside, probably sounds crazy. Since we're six books into the series, this is going to be one heck of an interesting ride. :)
So.. we've covered the creation of Dragons (sort of), Barrani (definitively) and  Leontines (also definitively). Humans apparently just appeared. What about Tha'alani and Aerians? Were they also created by the Old Ones?
"So... humans arrived here heralded by freak storms and two-headed Barrani babies?" Oh wow. I. I cannot even breathe after that one.
I sort of want to get my hands on those Oracle reports, just because they sound amusing.
Having to evacuate that many people... holy carp.
Need I point out that once again it's Nightshade saving her?
Castle- Changes floorplan on a regular basis, you can make the home you've always dreamed of!
          Basement- A forest entirely to yourself, doesn't need any watering!
          Well- Source of fresh water, and a connection to Elemental Water
Buy Today!
Oh, geez, I cannot believe they're having this conversation. I don't know whether I want to love it or hate, and the last book was such a mind-trip! ><
Severn has a weapon that speaks? ohh interesting.. I hope we learn that story at some point.
O.O Nightshade lived in the West March. !! Important stuffs. Also important, he did at one time have family, even extended family, and they were very exuberant about political power plays. Hence why Nightshade is so blasted good at them.
Wait... so Kaylin in some part is the reason why Nightshade is Outcaste I think?
...The Barrani have 'stories' like that of the Leontines. In the Old Tongue, and they can only be told if someone has passed the challenge of Name. Holy Moly. This sounds scary, dangerous and amazing. Ahhh, it's another rite of passage. It changes them. But for reasons unknown exposing children to it is bad bad bad.
NIGHTSHADE! =dances=
I wish you had killed Barren. =grumbles=
Oh shoesohshoesohshoes  Tara!
Hey! Nightshade's heart isn't black >> If it was he wouldn't have saved Kaylin or said that he wanted to kill Barren.
Tiamaris to the rescue! You know.. you think ya'll would have a slightly better grasp on what this "Devourer" thing is... being IMMORTAL and all.
So.. let me get this straight. Once upon a time World A was connected to worlds B-Z. While there ARE doors between these worlds, you can't access them your first trip through? So... There's an emptiness. And that emptiness is between the worlds.. sort of like the filling on a cake? Sits between the layers, but isn't the same? Ok. Makes sense.
Good reasons to visit according to Kaylin: Improved sense of humor, learning to curse in Dragon. Yup.
Kaylin can work wonders. She's got Tiamaris betting. O.O Or Tara does. Or the fief in general... one of those!
Arokon.. breathing fire? Oh shoes. This is.. not good.

"I am considering a permanent memory crystal. For your use" XD Poor Kaylin. Not only are her magical descriptions not 'enough' for the Arkon, he wants to torture her with constant magic, and invasion of privacy.
I cannot believe you actually said that to the Arkon Kaylin. Even in Elantran. Holy. Moly.
...what is the Arkon's name? Not his /name/ mind you, just, why is he only called The Arkon?
Caverns! Caverns everywhere! You get a cavern! You get a cavern! Boom! =points at people behind screens= You get a cavern!
And there's an altar? Dragons don't seem to worship gods.. what about the Old Ones? 
     20 ft across and 8ft high? Yup  definitely a Dragon Altar.
Flight I'm guessing, but I think this is how a group of Dragons is referred to.
Soooo Kaylin is part of someone's hoard, or she has her own hoard? O.o sort of confused...
Truth, Journey, Hoard
Kaylin reacts painfully, to most magics. But, when confronted witht eh language of the Old Ones (which we know is magic in and of itself) she doesn't. Is it that the  marks on her skin can't handle a 'lesser' form of magic?
Now that's just petty Arkon.
Yay Yebelline and character growth!
O.O a) He dropped his brush?? b) Yebelline! c) Oh this is one creepy painting, but the technical skill must be outstanding
Holy shitake mushrooms.
I am thinking Diarmat and TIamaris barely got on before Tiamaris left, and less so now.
I wonder how old the Emperor is? If i lined it up, would it be Arkon, Sanabalis, Emperor, Diarmat, Tiamaris?
O.O what in the seven hells are the two of you doing here?? Won't this start another war??
Kaylin, you don't get paind enough for fighting a Dragon, let alone Barrani politics.
Why am I not surprised to see another cavern?
          Polymer clay galaxy based pendant + earring set.
          A necklace with multiple words? Golden beads and a great topaz or druzy?
               Sort of ended up mixing this one with the onyx necklace, and having the druzy.. attempt on it's own.
Well, this answers the question of "how the Consorts learn everything."
"You either stumble or you fail to move at all." < I like!
Ok, if this is an "Old One" talking, then they seem to have been created, not around forever. "When we woke to the worlds."
     Humans, not created by the Old ONes, and the Old Ones can be destroyed. Is that where they all went?
"Overly intellectualized version of home." XD
No! She's seen his name twice now! Not once!
Gold surrounded by ebony... sounds like jewelry!  As usual things change when I'm painting the designs, and I ended up with gold and ebony. But it's close!
"We've pretty much confirmed the World's theory."
"Confirmation was necessary?"
Poor Severn, "The last time she wandered around in your store on her own, I was threatened with demotion."
Oh! So it's a puzzle piece? NOt meant to be on it's own?
"The Barrani and Dragons were created from stone, but not all stone lives and walks, and causes endless trouble." XD  Evanton, you are amazing.
     Wait. Were they carved from different types of stone, and this is why they are so different? And yet the same? So... this stuck with me, and ended up being painting practice. >>
I wonder what the actual distance is between the Halls and the Imperial Palace? For that matter, I want a clearer map of the city.
Nope. Nope. Nope. I don't like Diarmat.
"He is one of several people whose existence is critical to the continued safety of the Empire itself."
     Other people on this list include Tiamaris, Nightshade, the other 4 fieflords, and the High Lord and Consort.  That we know of. Are there more?
Emmerian? Have we met him before?
O.O NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Why is a stuffpot like Diarmat the ettiquette teacher?? I mean, in theory this makes sense, but in general it's a stupid idea! Kaylin will end up being roasted! D:
This book just gets crazier and crazier. The Arkon. Leaving the Palace??
O.O  Dragons... NOT in human form?? Oh They're going to be happy. I wonder ho many streets they'll break and people they'll have to eat though?
Wait. If Dragons breathe fire... why do they have to learn the name of fire? Or are they incapable of doing it until then?
...An egg? O.o
"If the Emperor requires access  to the LIbrary, he can make his displeasure known. He is young and in good health. A few miles of city streets shouldn't cause his voice much trouble."
     Arkon, did you just make a joke?
     I wonder who/what lives near the Palace if the Dragons are so loud, and seem only to speak in Dragon unless humans are around?
The last time he left the Palace was before any of them were born... I want his job!!
Cadge- to beg or obtain by begging.
When Evanton wants to relax, he beads.
    The Hawk he gave Kaylin back in Cast in Courlight? That was him relaxing.
I forsee a long and beautiful friendship between these two. Full of jibes, learning, snark and very frustrated couriers, since neither one leaves their domain much.
Is the Arkon... excited? What a strange thought.
I didn't realize Kaylin remembered that....
"Maybe if we tried to drown the candle instead of lighting it, I"d have more luck." XD
Awww Arkon! ^^
XD "Can I interest you in a job?" Evanton, I adore you. YOu actually joked, with a a Dragon. The Arkon no less!
Wow Arkon, that's... See! I said they'd be friends!  :D
A peacock's fan of fire... filigree, fire painted... and enamel?
It sounds like the perfect climbing tree.
:D! Sanabalis in Dragon form! He's a pale shade of grey, almost silver <3
     Are all Dragons metallic colored?
"But before you settle up here, we'd appreciate a lift down." I can't imagine Sanabalis accepting this request anywhere else.
I'd love the Earth shrine during Spring and Fall.. a huge rounded rock, placed in the sun, perfect to sprawl and nap on. Maybe under a tree, near a brook...
I want a building that changes like the seasons.. and I'm not just talking about decor!
"Please tell me you're not worried about the investigation int the Chancellor's affairs. We're facing the end of the world, Severn."
     Always focusing on the now, huh Kaylin?
A long hall of windows, looking into other worlds..
     Also known as a library. Or, alternatively, a writer's brain ^^.
I love how often Kaylin thinks out loud. It makes me feel less crazy when I do it for problem solving.
"You're discussing philosophy with a door."
     "Yes and? If it replies, I'm talking to it." < my response.
Taller than Barrani and broader than Dragons? O.o. wow.
Eyes of the Travelers : Blue, grey
Kaylin's = brown.
Is this a  'roar' like  human roar, a Roar like  Leontine roar, or a ROAR like Dragon roar?
Children, I'm assuming young children that are as tall as Kaylin's shoulder... how tall are these people? How tall are the Barrani for that matter?
Blue in these people means worried (approximately)
Green... surprised?
Eeesh. Giant Barrani. Great.
Gold.. not a Barrani color- surprised?
Mejrah! A name! Finally!
O.o well this is an odd situation..
Her name is the elements themselves? WTH? Just who is Kaylin, and has anyone else in Barrani history ever had this name?
"If you mention budgeting, I'll break both your legs."
^ This is a very me quote.
Emmerian =/= Emperor

Dragon Court:  Emperor- Unknown color
                      Arkon- Silver (after flight, unknown before hand.)
                      Sanabalis- Pale grey (red after flight, reason unknown)
                      Diarmat- Blue-green (Why is the stuffpot my favorite blend of colors?)
                      Tiamaris- Bronze. Period.
                      Emmerian- Deep, deep blue.
The Maker. I like that. Much better than "The Devourer."
Wait!... Does this mean the elements created the Old Ones? Yes! I think it does! Score!
Dang it.. This book is making me cry. Stupid Kaylin.. >>
They're... they're hoard buddies! Bros? Erm.. Something like that.
He offered to make a world for her. XDX <3
     I think I have my favorite character other than Kaylin...
Kaylin, only you could make a joke at a time like this.
Drums that are louder than a Dragon's roar. Sounds interesting.
I think representing the five would be a  lovely design, their togetherness and separateness all in one.
Wait. Wait. Wait! What about the egg? Kaylin left an EGG in her apartment, in a crate. Will it die since the excess magic is now gone?? D:
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Cast in Shadow I & II
Cast in Courtlight
Cast in Secret
Cast in Fury
Cast in Silence

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