Thursday, May 22, 2014

Thoughts on Lines

It occurred to me the other day while sketching out ideas, that lines are not in fact meant to enforce rigidity.
Well, that doesn't make much sense does it? Let's back up. I follow several artists on DA and etsy and all of us seem to do the same thing. We make what we want and no two items necessarily follow a pattern.
While I have no issue with this (how can I? I already do it XD) I find myself wanting something more. Not necessarily to take away from creativity, but to give myself structure, and encourage creativity.
That's where that first line comes in. Lines, it occurred to me, are meant to give an artist a specific playground to work in. You have SO MANY ideas and possibilities bouncing around in your head at once that by picking a central theme, it helps to narrow things down. It helps you to focus and to narrow down , for a time at least, what you should be working on.
This is what I've come up with anyway.
What about you? Do you feel freed, or limited by the concept of a line, whether you make jewelry, clothes, or little pillows for dogs?
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Have an urge to discuss lines? Comment below! :D

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