Friday, June 6, 2014

Cast in Sorrow

The smell of a freshly cracked book... heaven.

Welcome ladies and gents to this week's Book Designs post, where we finish up the Chronicles of Elantra series with Cast in Sorrow* aka Cast in Peril Part Two (as I'm calling it)
Don't all stories about forests leave out the bugs?
From what I can tell (and I'm guessing so far) this book is picking up right where we left off with the last one.
"Things Not To Do if You Want to Have Fun During Your Involuntary LEave/ of (Probably Unpaid) Absence
     love the title Kaylin!
I'm loving this list, although I really wish Leontine existed. It would be an amusing language to learn.
Hey, the Consort has armor now, what a nice gift from abig brother. I wonder if it's painted, enameled or just a naturally white metal?
If she was possible of wielding the power behind it, I 'd think Kaylin was trying to build a small Court for herself.
Shadow-not-birds. That's a new one.
Transforming, talking real birds. Kaylin, you never cease to amaze.
Barrani eye color: Gold with a ring of pale sky blue.
I love that they switch to Aerian in an attempt at privacy.
Domicile? Lirenne, you were less stiff the last time we met.  Yu're making me sad here.
West March - Court of the Vale
"Outcaste what? Outcaste number 13 or 90? "
So, this is where Teela considers home. ... I wonder where she lives in Elantra?
I wonder if the Ancients constructed the West March as they did the Hallione or High Halls or if the Barrani have carved out and decorated the interiors of the trees?
Types of trees denoting which street you're on, interesting .
Oh, I do. Where else could you get it repaired Sev?
She doesn't have this reaction to water at home.. Why here?
Ahh Question from last book answered. While Kaylin does call Nightshade Calarnenne, and thinks of that as his True Name, that's not quite how it works.  The 'name' is just a word. His True Name holds everything that he is and is more than mere speech. Kaylin just interprets it as speech, just like she interprets magical signatures as written words.
Kaylin, having attendants. Interesting. And she can't send them away or BAD things happen.
Barrani, as complicated as ever ^^
Huh, I didn't know that etiquette rule, I'll have to keep it in mind.
Oh, so she still has that mark on her forehead XD I wonder how others will react when they see it?
Oh Kaylin, you're growing up and it's quite interesting >< look at you doing political speak. So proud.
I need to learn to be amused and keep it off my face.
Severn, how do you know them? Were you forced to learn all the Barrani who hold the title of Lord? Or did you do it in your copious (cough cough) free time after you became a Lord? How many are there I wonder?
Teela this is something you mention earlier on! I'm also going to assume you don't like your Aunt Avonelle.
Laughing Barrani, always a strange sight.
The Hallione of the West March, the one that has been abandoned, is called Hallione Alansis.  I'm placing my bet here, the book ends with Kaylin having burged or destroyed it.
If healrs are so rare... is it because of the Barrani? Since they seem to dislike them so greatly?
Interesting and complex. Kaylin, you better be able to do what you say you can.
So the 'dreams' and the 'nightmares' of Alansis, are one and the same creatures. Just like real dreams and nightmares.
He's gone from being 'hatchling' to 'you' to 'small and squeaky'.
A line of ghosts.. with Kaylin in the lead.
Exactly! There are only 11 lost children. Not 12. Harrumph.
I like the idea of these glass statues being drawn to the runes, which are golden.
New low for the door wards in response to Kaylin, catching fire
A 12 pointed star? Wait, make that 11.
There's a Lord of the East?
This Lord of teh East challenged the harmoniste of the time? O.O why? For the title of harmoniste?
Oh, new note, none of the other Barrani Hawks are Lords.

Serian female not-servant. Gaedin male not-servant.
     Neither are lords, yet both seem to possess magic.
     Guess that kills Kaylin's theory.
Oh! 'Neya' was the nickname of Kaylin's mom. Her full name was Averneya.
>< Iberriene, I want to hate you. you did BAD things. But right now you're like a shy puppy, and I want to hug you.
Barrani- purple= deep grief.
Wait. Hold up. Rewind. KAYLIN, you KNEW Teela spoke on your behalf. It's talked about throughout the first book. It's not mentioned that she was using her rank in the Court, bu you still knew.
     Ah. ok. =blushes=
Teela, I adore you. "If the Exchequer doesn't hang for this, I'll hunt him down and kill him myself."
I love seeing how much she cares about Kaylin.
Teela, you hair brained, thrice cursed!
I cannot wait till the next book. Kaylin's given in. She's going to apply herself to magic.
O.O The 11... they're idiots.
I want to do a pendant that's a lantern, or maybe a string of lanterns.
Nightshade, I love that you protect her.
Mr. Small and Squeaky. What are you doing? Helping or hindering the Hallione?

Did Nightshade jsut admit he would have failed? O.O Hit the Deck! The world is ending!
Will wonders never cease? Ynpharion willingly serving her?
O.O I LOVE this series XD
Kaylin holds the names of Four Barrani men now. Not one of them wants her dead.
The more they say it, the less I believe Kaylin will live a mortal's span of years.
I truly hope that Ynpharion isn't a one-off character.
I don't see how he could be since she holds his name, but there you go.
I think a time will come when Kaylin can speak Dragon. Possibly even intentionally.
So somehow the wards have been stripped from the green and placed into Alsanis. Is Alsanis trying to contain/protect/soothe the lost?
Finally! Silver! <3
Brother! Not son, win!
I actually like these 10 that remain >< They are going to make life so interesting.
Barrani? An eating contest? Oh yes, I do love these 10 new ones.
The 10 are staying in Alsanis to gain knowledge so that they can function and move in the world as it now is... probably smartest.
Except Annarion. Annarion wants to leave and Nighshade has commanded him to stay. Annarion has refused. Nightshade is pissed. Isn't that the way of younger brothers?  Ahh.. Annarion wants to take the Tes of Name.
Annarion is pissed and I almost think I like him more than Nightshade. XD
O.O He understands small and squeaky?
All he wants is to be with you Nightshade.
Oh dear. How will Tain react to Teela and her connection to the 10?
And Teela's not staying, but I figured on this.
And neither is Mandoran apparently, so only.... 8 are staying.
Manny... you want to join the Hawks? Oh this should be so interesting. I want Cast in Flame now please!

So ladies and gents that's the end  of this week's book :D I hope you enjoyed reading along, my thoughts and insights, and what not.
I didn't come up with many pieces while I was reading the book, but let's see what I can come up with once I sit down with my tablet.
If you did, feel free to comment below.
If you have suggestions for future books, feel free to comment below :D
If you're secretly an Aesir, please comment below :D
*While the series is actually not finished, this is the last that is currently available to me, and there is only one other set for publication, Cast in Flame, which is not yet available on the market.

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