Friday, April 4, 2014

Cast in Courtlight

New Canvas

In this book, we find out for the first time, the actual name of the Empire where Kaylin lives! :D It is the Empire of Ala'an, ruled by the Dragon Emperor aka the Eternal Emperor.

I really do love reading this series. Not only because it shows off the skill of the writer, but also because you care about the characters. I love learning the little bits of things about the characters and the whole world that are so casually slid into paragraphs. A good example of this is shown in the first few pages, told while following Marcus.  Has just been ranted at by an Imperial Mage when he's already in a 'sour' mood, and is going to talk to his Lord, the Hawklord. "His claws clicked against the floorboards." It's a simple thing really, but it gives a bit of info that you might not otherwise have, that Leontines (for the most part at least) go barefoot everywhere.

Barrani really do live forever. Tain comments 'The castelord has called his Court. It has been a number of years since he has chosen to do so. I don't think you were even alive for the last one." So.... it's been at least two decades since his Court was called together. Two decades! O.O Apparently the Barrani castelord has held that title for centuries, although not uncontested.

Teela & Tain- Make me think two halves of a whole. Are they in a relationship, are they family what? They also make me think leather jewelry that's either been cut and layered or carved into intricate designs and embedded with gems here and there.

     Teela- Fine dark, forest green gown, small tiara, huge emerald, gloves, pale green.

It's been confirmed, the Arcanum? Are creepy. They can actually control the weather. What type of magic system is in this book that that is possible? O.O  I hardly ever run across books where the mages can, and do, actually control the weather.

O.O Nightshade. On the wrong side of the bridge and walking Kaylin home.  What does he consider this a date? DO people even date in this universe?

Things I've learned so far: The mark means they are connected in all sorts of odd ways. I love Nightshade's arrogance. I don't understand why. Nightshade is kidnapping Kaylin, and I wholeheartedly approve of this. ^^ He is taking care to protect her, and he's attracted to her or my name is Suzie. He's even given her a gift, sort of. He always balances that though with a threat. This character. Gah.


      I want to draw that red and blue rose... how would that work anyway? Does it have significance?

If I ever had to pick a world to live in, or a character to be, it would be Kaylin Neya. Without a shadow of a doubt, it would be Kaylin. And I admit, the chance to actually see Nightshade is low on my list of reasons for wanting that. XD

Andellen- Oh a new Barrani. Fun! He's described very simply at this point, all we know is that he has a sword, he has armor and Barrani. So far, the most I'm imagining for him is armor, so that's no good for this post! XD Maybe he'll get more detailed as we go through the book.

"She tossed out a few recreational Aerian curses, just to keep in practice..." This.. Gahh this character is so me.

What good is a translucent surcoat?? O.O Crazy Barrani Arcanists....

I am about 98% certain that Severn just told Evarrim "If you choose to try and f*** with her, Nightshade will eat you for breakfast." Although in more fancy and diplomatically friendly tones.

Sannabalis! <3 Sannabalis is... scary. Very. Very. Scary. But he's not trying to devour Kaylin, which is good. :D

     And I don't understand why he's showing her this crystal? O.o Definitely going to need to draw that.

     Gold, heavy, really long. Twisted chain rope.

There are so many times when Kaylin grumbles in this book that she wants her daggers! So, I'm giving her a way to carry at least one of them.

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