Friday, April 18, 2014

Cast in Secret

This week’s book is Cast in Secret, and it ended up being a very all over the place book. In an enjoyable way though. We get to see a lot of growth from Kaylin, although there are still plenty of moments when I’m yelling at the book. XD Hope you enjoy and find something interesting about the jewelry designs. Open-mouthed smile



A window that tells time? I could use one of those... Or at least one that can yell at me to get up and doesn't come with an 'off' button XD

I'm glad this one starts out looking over Kaylin's shoulder this time. It's always a fun POV and it's amusing to 'listen' to her cursing, not to mention learning how bad she is at betting. Which explains why she's always hungry.

Severn on the other hand is very good at betting, as is seen by him showing up at the Barrani Court last time. It's mentioned that Teela was betting with him and lost.

Leontines, like humans are likely to have different colored fur when they're first born. Calling on Kaylin is strange though for a Leontine birthing, even if the cub did end up being a pale gray speckled white, which is apparently considered 'lucky'. They also seem to have a very solid gender division, "leontine males, although they loved their kitlings, knew when to stay out of the way."

Severn and Kaylin. These two are going to drive me nuts. He loves her, but how? He's her protector, her guardian, but he keeps himself stiffly held back. Is it from being a Shadow Wolf? Is it because he still only cares about her from when they were kids? What is this? 

A reliquary? Isn't that for the holding of pieces of dead people?

" repository or receptacle for relics."

Apparently Elani Street (magic central, separate from the Imperial Mages) is it's own little world it seems. It's not under the jurisdiction of the Merchant's guild (despite the fact that it is a street just for selling magic) and every year the Merchant's Guild attempts to 'fix' this. Which has lead to bloodshed on a few occasions.

Evanton- He makes me think of Nightshade in a way. He doesn't have the arrogance in every word and gesture that Nightshade does, and instead his voice seems... sort of homey and practical, but it could also be the words that are used to describe him. Stooped, old, wizened, grouchy. (Can you imagine Nightshade being grouchy?) He does love talking in circles though. Based on a few things, I've come to the conclusion that Evanton is a Somebody. 1) He opened a door in his shop and waited, then nodded to himself before going through. 2) the hallway they enter into is so narrow they have to walk single file and if they had attempted to draw swords, (for whatever reason) they would've become stuck in the  wall or ceiling. 3) He says 'Kaylin I continue to allow you entrance here because of the great respect for the officers of the Halls of Law" He's referencing her Nightshade tat. Buuuuuut. The only people that's mattered to are Barrani Lords and Dragons. ie: Immortals. There hasn't been a single mortal that's cared.  Plus, he says that if she was under Nightshade's thrall, she wouldn't  have been able to come in. He's got wards up to stop that type of thing. He is definitely a Somebody.  O.O Just who in the seven is this man?

Evanton is officially Somebody, and with a title! Keeper is what Sannabalis calls him. (119) O.O How old is Sannabalis? Evanton studied under him? Wait. Doesn't that mean he was just as difficult at learning magic as Kaylin? XD

And this magical garden makes him... stronger somehow? And he's dressed different though, Kaylin says he looks like a noble in a blue robe. He also mentions that he's owned the shop forever, but that it wasn't always open, apparently it's hard getting back from the magic garden?  That he's known Teela since before she was  a Hawk, and that she was waiting for him  with an extremely old greatsword... Teela doesn't usually use swords though? And he thinks it was a named weapon... O.o Just who is Teela?

I wonder how big the city of Elantra is, that there are so many ancient places within it's confines? Evanton mentions that his 'garden' is one of the few that isn't controlled by either Barrani or Dragon. The garden seems to hold all sorts of magical objects. They look like books and boxes, even candles. The odd thing is that Evanton mentions that he doesn't want them lit on his watch. I wonder what they herald? And apparently these books are old and dangerous. Of course. Kaylin's job has her surrounded by powerful people, with powerful people caring and despising her.

A reliquary? Isn't that for the containing of pieces of dead people?
" repository or receptacle for relics." < direct from the dictionary. Apparently, not just for

dead people. Red and gold, leather bands, worn... sounds like something to paint.

=sighs= A child is involved, and there is no way they are going to keep Kaylin from being involved now. XD

For a full page, we see the fearful in Kaylin, terrified of the Tha'alani, and then the Hawk kicks in and she sees that this one is fidgeting and pauses to wonder if they all look/act so nervous. It's an improvement. ^^ Hah! She is growing up! She notices when she's projecting, and that Draalzyn (this particular Tha'alani) is bothered by it. :D  Go Kaylin!

So the Tha'alani don't seem to talk much, and it's also difficult for them to be around humans, since it's so easy for them to pick up on other people's thoughts. I'm going to guess here and say they communicate using their stalks, as a sort of telepathy.  I want to paint the stalks and what it sounds like they'd look like. I've got two very different ideas. And so far I haven't come across a bit of jewelry inspiration D:  As of right now, it's looking like we're going to end up with a painting full of random objects from within the book. :D Yay random! Although hopefully I'll be able to come up with something for Yebelline since it looks like we'll be running into her.

I've noticed that the majority of my ideas for this series have been heavy on the metals, particularly gold. It's not my fault. D: I've yet to see anyone wearing silver. =grumbles= 

The Tha'alani are one of the most interesting races I've encountered in fantasy. They're so well described and put together. Apparently the majority of the group don't deal with outsiders, and they don't understand social customs outside of their own. They also have a 'naming tongue'? Perhaps suggesting that they speak language a and language b is specifically for choosing names of meaning? Even their children wear gold? (and it should be noted that this scene, of Kaylin dealing with a Tha'alni child, goes SOO far towards wiping out her fear XD She loves children.)  Stalks= ahporae. Fear is part of what keeps the Tha'alani separate. It seems that because they can't help but read the minds of those around them (For the most  part) they pick up on the daily fears that people deal with. And in their culture, the... magnitude of fears that people deal with are unknown to them, and they have a hard time dealing with it, pressing in on all sides. They seem a very happy people. 

" Think about it Kaylin- a home where there can be no misunderstanding. Where all anger is known and faced instantly, where all fear is addressed and calmed. Where all love is known and all desire is accepted." < That sounds both amazing and terrifying. You would never have secrets, but you wouldn't have any need for them.  And the Tha'alani that travel among the humans? They go insane and start to harbor the fear and secrets if they go too often or aren't strong enough.

They have a hive mind of sorts? Or a seeming continual connectedness, that allows them to stay their own individual persons. Interesting.

"paler than brown- darker than sunlight" I like the sound of that. 

Severn is good at tying things together that you wouldn't expect to make sense, into a way that Kaylin can understand. It's an impressive skill.

This book is stripping Kaylin of many of her preconceptions, and it's not easy to watch.

The Oracles are interesting. "dark blue with golden swirls and golden stars"

Wait. In either first or second book, didn't they say that the head Oracle was female? O.o  I want to know what happened to this woman now, in the approximately... 5 weeks since this series has taken place. (give or take).

White and edged in gold... what is it with this series and gold???

Oh shoes. Kaylin, RUN!!!! Do NOT go through the Imperial Gates. Don't do it!

XD #1 Rule of being  a Dragon: Never Be Surprised. Ever.
I'm glad to see Tiamaris, but eugh, Dragons you make my head hurt sometimes.

See. This is why I told you not  to go in there.

Ok. I would like to recant that. This is why I said not to go in there. It doesn't matter if Sanabalis says "oh we're just going to the library." phooey!

Big sapphire, size of an egg, surrounded by diamonds, rubies and gold.

pg 266 Kaylin, you are making me cry. Why do you always get things in the moment, but not outside of them? Dang it girl, stop being so awesome.

I want to paint Sannabalis's eyes, bright orange with a heart of red...

"Fair Enough. We don't usually arrest weapons for murder."  ><

Nightshade. You are a great big ball of confusing, and I like you anyway.

You're supposed to be Barrani! Stop being so sweet or I'm going to think you're in love with this girl!

O.O The Castle gave her the dress? 

Ok, apparently there have been other people to get the same/ a similar dress.

Sannabalis, I know it sounds crazy, but really, you have to trust her on this one.

O.O She... so is that a forever thing that she can do, or is it like Sannabalis' necklace was in the last book?

Did you like the book? Did you like me reading the book? What about the designs? Any thoughts there? Please comment below. Open-mouthed smile

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