Wednesday, February 12, 2014

10 Things I’m Dreaming of…

Have you ever had one of those days, where despite your best efforts, you’re not getting much work done? All you’re doing is daydreaming. Or perhaps you’re working hard but a small “What if…”  or ‘If only….” pops into your head. That’s been me today. I came down with a killer cold, and now I’m up to my knees in tissues, scraps of wire and what ifs. I figured I’d share…the what ifs that is, not the yucky tissues.

  1. An assistant  (to get water when I run out, and take notes while I'm working) 
  2. A brick and mortar store. 
  3. Someone to deal with correspondence for me. It's not that I don't want to, I just hate leaving my workbench! Or at least someone to look over the correspondence in case I'm not making sense..
  4. A room specifically for my supplies. 
  5. Silver! I want so badly to work in silver...
  6. A huge stash of sari ribbons to play with. 
  7. A better torch would be lovely. (not that I have any issues with my baby, I just can't do everything I want to with a microtorch)
  8. A HUGE craft library. >< This would be heaven. 
  9. A full set of chasing and repousse tool. =sighs dreamily=
  10. A way to use super super thin copper! 

What about you? What are you dreaming of? Feel free to share in the comments.

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