Saturday, February 1, 2014

Welcome Back!

When I had to take down the blog last year (wow that sounds odd) I had intended to have things back up and running, and posting regularly by the 15th of January. I even had this whole "Welcome Back" post full of snark and lovely goals.

Through various life things getting in the way though, that got tossed by the wayside, although I did make sure there would be a book review for ya'll.

This time, I'm back though, and even trying something new so that I can commit to bringing new content and ideas for ya'll, an editorial calendar. Full of jewelry, design, learning things, and the usual variety of geeky things as well.  I even have plans for a few regular posts, although the ATB will only be done every now and then ( was it just me or was it getting repetitive?) Instead, you can follow me over at my new twitter @GlassEternal where I'll post up thoughts and questions that pop up as I work. I'll also be posting up content two to three times a week, still with a healthy mix between jewelry and all things chic and geeky.

Last year was chaotic and an utter mess, this year will hopefully be better. Care to find out with me?

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