Friday, February 21, 2014

Confessions: Take Two!

Continuing on from the post on Wednesday, I'm bringing you geeky confessions from yours truly. Only this time, they're actually 'silly'. 

  • When I get a new book, I love the way they smell. >< 
  • I have a set of names I use for pretty much every video game character that I get the option to name. (Pokemon not included.) 
  • I will ask for people's firstborn children if they want to borrow my favorite book. Nevermind that I don't know what I'd do with them! ;) 
  • It doesn't matter if I have a stack of ten books at home to read, if you offer to buy me a book, I'll say 'Yes Please.' there might even be hearts in my eyes. 
  • The same cannot be said for my video games. I am ridiculously picky about video games, but I love the ones I have. 
  • There is no such thing as going to the library to get "Just One Book." It does not process in my head.

And there you go some geeky confessions about me. What about you? What's something geeky that you do? Feel free to post in the comments below.

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