Thursday, February 13, 2014

Video Game Rules

What I wanted to do today was share something that had made me laugh several years ago about video games. It was titled something along the lines of "Golden Rules of RPGs", and included "If it's shiny, pick it up." Sadly, most of my searching resulted in google giving me answers about shiny pokemon. While useful, not what I wanted. So I went hunting and found a few tropes that I thought I'd share instead.

1. If it's shiny, pick it up. (Come on, you didn't see this one coming?)

2. Always take the path of most resistance. It'll probably have something useful at the end.

3.   Is the building being destroyed around you? There'll always be a fireproof/destruction proof pathway you can escape through!  -coughSkyrimcough-

4. 1000 years- This is a frequently occurring date in RPGs. The Big Bad Evil either shows up every 1000 years or was sealed away 1000 years ago. Why? Does no one know how to kill them?

5. Every merchant in the world — even those living in far-off villages or hidden floating cities cut off from the outside world for centuries, even those who speak different languages or are of an entirely different species — accepts the same currency.

6. All- Terrain Party- This is just one that makes me laugh. No matter what weather conditions you're traveling through, your characters won't be affected. They won't faint in the hot desert, and they won't get frost bite if you go into a snowstorm in little more than their skivvies.

And our last one, rule number 7,

7. If someone tells you that you ABSOLUTELY, MUST NOT do something, go do it. It generally progresses the plot.

Have any other favorite rules/tropes? Feel free to share them in the comments.

** Some of these are taken directly from I don't own those, I just borrowed them.

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