Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Today I want to talk about silly things. More accurately silly things I do  when I'm making jewelry.
It occurred to me (over this past week of being sick, my apologies on being away) that I do a lot of silly things when I'm at the bench. And they were so silly, I figured I'd share, because hopefully, I'm not the only one. ;)

  • I never seem to get even count Peyote stitch right. For reasons unknown I'll make five rows and then I just miss something. Somehow, I'll end up with a bead missing at the end and the whole piece gets chucked across the room. 
  • Ok, I don't really chuck unfinished pieces across the room. I just throw them down on the bench and stalk off like an angry cat. 
  • I always dive in at the deep end. When I'm learning a new skill, I don't start at the 'easy projects'. I go headfirst into this Super Amazing, Blow Your Socks Off Idea that I had at 2 am, without practicing the skill first. 
  • I then fail at said project, get really upset with myself and proceed to sulk....not that I tell anyone. I just sit and glare at my bench until I work up the nerve to try again.

See what I mean about silly things? These are things I'm working to change, and I figure the first step is admitting them and realizing that I do them, right?

What about you? What are some silly things you do?

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