Friday, March 28, 2014

Cast in Shadow Part II

Lord Evarrim- Kaylin meets the Barrani Arcanist Lord Evarrim for the first time on pg 216, and she mistakes him for Lord Nightshade at first. Oops! She talks briefly of the slender platinum tiara he wears and how it looks like its caught in sunlight. She also talks about the red robes edged in emerald that he wears. Personally, I cannot imagine mixing red and green, except when you're talking Christmas designs, but that's me. While I hope the ruby turned out well, I admit, I'm horrid at coloring platinum at this point. I'll learn with time though. While the only thing mentioned about the tiara is that it's slender, this is what I came up with.
Lord Nightshade- Technically, he should've been included in last week's post, but it took me this long to come up with something for him. Kaylin first mentions how  he's wearing gold rings on several of his fingers. Thinking about Nightshade, and the fact that he's a fieflord, I figured he'd have three rings. One a plain band. Another would be a sapphire, to remind him of the secrets the Long Halls hold, not that he actually needs the reminding. The third would be his sigil. Although he gives Kaylin his mark and places it on her skin, I doubt that he does it that way for everything, hence the ring.
Tiamaris- I really adore Tiamaris, but there's isn't much said about what he wears. So, I came up  with this based on his Dragon form instead. Allow me to say that when I first read this, I squealed out loud. GIANT Dragon! And he's bronze. <3 Dragons make me think of dragon maille which is a particular style of chainmaille. So, Tiamaris gets to wear one of my favorite chainmaille designs, the castle pattern, done in bronze of course.

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