Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Importance of Design Journals

I wanted to jabber a bit today about design journals.
I was reading an article over at Victoriatorf  and it made me think. The article expresses 15 reasons why keeping a daily visual journal is important.
I think this is actually a good idea, although I  admit it isn't one I've put into practice just yet, I'm a little groggy when I first wake up in the mornings.

I think the same concept though, of always keeping a journal handy can be applied across many fields. I know several authors who swear by the idea. I've also got a graphic artist friend who won't go anywhere without a moleskin in her pocket.

For me, I keep mine with me whenever I'm working. I only draw designs into it though, or bits and pieces of things that I think could evolve into a design. I've got some pages filled with words, and others have them scribbled around designs, twisting and curving. I also keep a digital design book, for when I want to work in color. I admit, I'm really bad at working in anything other than pencil or watercolor for traditional styles.

I've still got a lot to learn, but this seems to be one thing that is true for everyone, keep a journal of some type!

What do you think? Do you keep a journal? Feel free to comment below!

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